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By Antônio Carlos Corrêa
China backs down on Coronavirus in salmon and retail resumes sales
A week after linking the new coronavirus outbreak in Beijing with salmon, China's health officials stepped back and agreed with global experts that it is "unlikely that the food trade will be responsible."
Look at IN 10 AGAIN!
Interministerial ordinance that suspended the closed period is unconstitutional
By a majority, the plenary of the Federal Supreme Court, in a virtual session, ruled the Interministerial Ordinance 192/2015 unconstitutional, which suspended the closed period for 120 days (temporary prohibition of fishing activities for the preservation of species). The decision was made in the joint judgment of ADI 5.447 and ADPF 389.
The Intercept Brasil website carries an article with insinuations regarding the behavior and actions of Jorge Seif Jr. National Secretary of Fisheries.
National Secretary for Aquaculture and Fisheries says that unions have agreed to end fishing for Mullet.
With the objective of being carried out by CAIXA the draw of the 10 vessels that will be able to fish for Mullet in this 2020 harvest.
Tainha 2020 harvest begins with confusion regarding the quota established by SAP.
The 2020 harvest of the mullet (Mugil liza) starts today, Friday (1), and forecasts for a severe winter make fishermen more confident in this year's catches, after the disappointment of last season, which was marked by confusion and this year not is different.
Search reveals how many boats there are in the world and which country sails the most.
The Italian website Giornale Della Vela carried out a kind of nautical survey, counting the number of sport and pleasure vessels in international waters. Result: It is estimated that there are 33 million boats in the world.
RN's fishing industry calculates a loss of R$ 15 million in one month because of the coronavirus
The sector employs around 40,000 people in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, which is one of the largest exporters of prime tuna in the country.
Trawl fishing is released on the coast of Santa Catarina
The authorization was given by the State Government and brings a series of requirements to fishermen to avoid contamination with the new coronavirus
Leisure and nautical tourism are increasingly developed in the Brazilian market. The countless natural beauty of the waters and the pleasant climate for sailing all year round have inspired thousands of people to enter the nautical world or upgrade their vessels.
IN establishes rules for the fishing season for mullet (Mugil liza) in the year 2020
We inform you of the publication of NORMATIVE INSTRUCTION No. 7, OF APRIL 3, 2020, which establishes the catch quotas, the creation of the Special Complementary Fishing Authorization, the limit of vessels to be licensed, and the associated monitoring measures for the fishing season of mullet (Mugil liza) of the year 2020 in the Southeast and South of Brazil.
Fisheries Institute of SP demystifies the relationship between fish and coronavirus
There are still doubts among consumers about foods that could transmit the dreaded coronavirus. So far there is no record that food can contract covid-19, including fish. To clarify further doubts, the Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply of the State of São Paulo, together with the Fisheries Institute (IP-APTA), presented some important clarifications, with scientific data from various authorities, including the World Health Organization (WHO) . Below are some answers sent by the Fisheries Institute of São Paulo for general clarification.
Sports and pleasure boats are not prohibited from sailing anywhere on the coast or in inland waters.
State and municipal decrees decided to prohibit boat trips, with the intention of containing the advance of the new coronavirus. But, according to the Brazilian Navy, there is no restriction on the use (that is, navigation) of sports and recreational vessels anywhere on the Brazilian coast or in inland waters.
Freemasonry in Santa Catarina OPEN LETTER TO SOCIETY
Catarinense Freemasonry, by the three regular and united Masonic Powers with jurisdiction in the State of Santa Catarina (Brazil), in this pandemic scenario that will bring serious consequences to society in general, especially for health and the economy
The Corona hitchhiking...
How much does it cost to quarantine people traveling by planes or ships?
Defense insurance booklet
Who is entitled and how to receive the benefit.
Delay in payment of defense insurance harms fishermen in the EC
Artisanal saltwater workers walk to the fourth month without receiving the benefit. They complain about the delay for the INSS to analyze the processes. According to the agency, there is no deadline for the release of the appeal
IBAMA suspends procedural deadlines until 04/05/
CONSIDERING the recommendations and warnings issued by the federal authorities after the publication of Normative Instruction No. 19, of March 12, 2020, which determined protective measures to face the public health emergency of international importance arising from the coronavirus (COVID-19)
Diesel Subsidy Program
We announce the publication of the Official Gazette of March 23, 2020 and supplement HERE , which establishes the annual diesel oil quota of beneficiaries of the Diesel Oil Price Economic Subsidy Program consumed by National Fishing Vessels and enables companies to supply the diesel oil for the year 2020
Sitrapesca calls attention to boat masters about Coronavirus
The president of Sitrapesca requests and advises that, if there is a fisherman with symptoms of the disease, that the master immediately informs the company and the competent authorities.
College of Agriculture and Fisheries elects new board
AMFRI's College of Agriculture and Fisheries elected its new board. The Executive Director of Itajaí Fisheries, Rodrigo Silveira, was elected president. As for the vice-presidency, the Secretary of Agriculture and Fisheries of Navegantes, João Paulo Serpa, was chosen.
Brazilian Navy builds ships in Itajaí under a R$9 billion contract
The contract, which has an estimated value of R$ 9.1 billion, will be signed this Thursday (5) between the Brazilian Navy and the consortium Águas Azuis, for the construction of four military ships in Itajaí . The final price has been defined after a series of adaptations in the project of the Mekko 100, a German vessel that will be used as the basis for the Brazilian project.
Tuna fishing: Ceará may have a dispute between Spanish and Portuguese
Robinson Crusoé x Gomes da Costa!
It's a fight between grown-ups, which will be amplified with the next arrival of an American group, whose identity is still kept confidential, which also wants to invest in the construction of a fishing terminal in the Porto do Pecém area.
Non-viable shrimp ARI countdown to end
On February 14, 2020, the public consultation on the Import Risk Analysis (ARI) of non-viable shrimp (clean, gutted, shelled and headless) intended for human consumption ends.
List of Fishing Vessel Licenses to be withdrawn from the Superintendence of the Ministry of Agriculture in Santa Catarina
Below is a list of Fishing Vessel Licenses to be withdrawn from the Superintendence of the Ministry of Agriculture in Santa Catarina
Market for leisure boats is expected to grow in 2020.
The nautical sector opened the year 2020 with growth perspectives, according to ACOBAR – Brazilian Association of Boat Builders and their Implements. After the drop in sales, especially in the period of economic crisis, companies in the sector are also seeing a better moment in the economy and believe they will be able to present better results, and some manufacturers are already celebrating the success of their production lines.
State of Santa Catarina announces special credit lines for the fishing sector
The State Secretariat for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development established that, starting this year, it will allocate resources to better structure the practice, an action that includes the prudent occupation of areas related to aquaculture and the acquisition of tools and devices that guarantee the safety of regularized vessels.
Minister says fishing should be a driver of Brazilian development
Minister Tereza Cristina (Agriculture, Livestock and Supply) said that it is necessary to transform fishing into an inducer of the country's development. “Our search at the Ministry of Agriculture is a result. Not for us, but for the people who make a living from this activity, which was held back for many years.
Interview with Henrique Pereira - President of SITRAPESCA - Agenda ORDINANCE No. 20/2020
Public consultation on the conservation of shrimp - Interview with Henrique Pereira - President of SITRAPESCA - Agenda ORDINANCE No. 20/2020. Link to IN 20; ´´The moment is of union of the category´´
16th century wreck is found in park in Sweden.
The 30 meter long ship was first discovered by the archaeological company Arkeologikonsult. According to analyses, the ship would be dated 1590, just after the Spanish Navy failed to conquer the United Kingdom. Furthermore, based on the dates of the wood, the ship would have been built in the province of Halsingland.
Guaratuba fishermen are contributing to research on the use of TED
Guaratuba fishermen are contributing to research into the use of the TED – turtle escape device, created to prevent them from getting trapped in fishing nets. This Tuesday (28), the Liberty XI boat left the public pier in front of the Municipal Market to fish for seven-barb shrimp off the coast of São Paulo, carrying a device of this type on board in one of the two trawl nets.
Industrial vessel seized with 200 kg of fish in Arraial do Cabo
The Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) and the Environmental Policing Unit (Upam) Costa do Sol/PMERJ are intensifying inspections against the action of illegal vessels within the limits of the Arraial do Cabo Marine Extractive Reserve (Resex), in Lakes Region of Rio.
Federal Government authorizes commercial cultivation of macroalgae in Santa Catarina
Santa Catarina mariculturists will have another important income alternative. This Thursday, 24, the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) authorized the commercial cultivation of the macroalgae Kappaphycus alvarezii on the coast of Santa Catarina.
Federation of Industries of Ceará, attracts fishing from Portugal to Brazil.
Portuguese fishing and shipbuilding companies will transfer technology to their counterparts in Ceará in the short term. This is the good news that the president of the Federation of Industries of Ceará (Fiec), Ricardo Cavalcante, brought from Lisbon and Porto, where he was in meetings with the elite of Portuguese business in both sectors.
Police seize three tons of shrimp and fine over half a million in Bertioga
The vessel from Santa Catarina, which had already been monitored by IBAMA for some time, was fishing for crustaceans in a prohibited location, less than a mile and a half from the coast, as provided for in the legislation for vessels of this size.
Good tide for artisanal fishing!
Entrepreneurs connected to the universe of São Paulo gastronomy, where the fashion is to cook fresh products and attest to their origin in the menu, are closing the distance between fishermen and restaurants. At one end of the chain, the caiçaras are learning to add value to fish and earn more. On the other side, chefs up to date with current trends receive fresh fish and seafood with guaranteed origin.
SITRAPESCA distributes school kits to all members.
Starting this Monday (13/01) all associated fisherman will be able to search for a kit of school supplies for each child who is enrolled in the school.
Each kit consists of a notebook, pen, pencil, glue, ruler, colored pencils and crayons.
To reach Antarctica, a Brazilian ship needs to overcome a strait that has already sunk 800 vessels
About 40% of Brazilian scientific production in the region is made inside the ship, valued at R$ 150 million. The rest takes place in camps (20%), in automated modules (15%) and in the Comandante Ferraz Station (20%), which will be reopened this Tuesday (14), on King George Island.
FAO consultant visits SINDIPI
The president of SINDIPI, Jorge Neves, together with the secretary Edemilson Miguel De Jesus and the associate Fernando das Neves, received today (10) at the headquarters of SINDIPI, the researcher in fisheries biology and consultant of the REBYC II-LAC DA Project FAO, Dr Steve Eayrs.
Fishermen associated with SITRAPESCA are entitled to discounts on medical appointments and guaranteed exams.
Even so, more than 80% of workers have not officially registered to receive the benefit. To ensure that everyone is served, the union's board is calling on members to get their health insurance cards as soon as possible at the union's headquarters.
Brazilian vessel is highlighted worldwide in nautical fair in Thailand - Thailand Yacht Show
During the four days of the event, boats and yachts, maritime equipment and nautical products will be exhibited.
Navy Summer Operation Aims to Combat Oil Pollution
The Brazilian Navy started Operation Summer 2019/2020 – Mares Seguros e Limpos. The objective is to intensify the actions of awareness and inspection of waterway traffic in areas with the greatest concentration of boats and bathers, whose movement grows with vacations and long holidays.
PREPS in tuna vessels under CAOL
Considering paragraph 3 of Article 1 of Interministerial Normative Instruction No. 02, of September 4, 2006, which informs the obligation to participate in the Satellite Fishing Vessel Tracking Program - PREPS of all fishing vessels built with full length greater than 15 meters.
State opens interest-free credit line for mariculturers and artisanal fishermen
The government of Santa Catarina, through the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development, opened a credit line for financing of up to R$ 40 thousand. Producers will have five years to pay, with annual installments, without interest.
Fishermen learn to avoid turtle capture
A team of technicians was in Guaratuba to disseminate among the city's fishermen the use of the TED, a device that prevents the involuntary capture of turtles in shrimp trawling. The meeting was organized by the Association of Fishermen and Shipowners of Guaratuba and Region (Apagre), with support from the Municipal Secretariat for Fisheries and Agriculture, and the chosen location was the workshop of Luiz Carlos Santana, Chinho Redeiro.
Prohibition of trawling raises concerns in the fishing sector
A meeting was held yesterday (17th) at SINDIPI, with shipowners of the Fishing and Shrimp Trawls Rosa and Sete Barbas modalities, on future actions in relation to the prohibition of fishing within 12 nautical miles in the State of Rio Grande do Sul.
SINDIPI and OPRAS sign an unprecedented agreement.
The entities from Brazil and Argentina will work towards the elaboration and recognition of an unprecedented regulatory framework for the Southwest Atlantic
Scientific expedition celebrating 200 years of discovery of Antarctica will pass through Santa Catarina
The scientific expedition that celebrates the 200th anniversary of the discovery of Antarctica will pass through Brazil this year. In Santa Catarina, the forecast is that the sailboat called Almirante Bellingshausen, with almost 24 meters in length, will reach the coast between today, December 2nd and 6th. The vessel will dock at Marina Itajaí and will be open for visitation.
Department of Agriculture joins the productive sector to strengthen fishing in SC
The Secretariat of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development has approached the fishing productive sector to strengthen aquaculture and fishing in Santa Catarina. This Wednesday, 6th, the secretary Ricardo de Gouvêa participated in Itajaí in a working meeting with the president of Sindipi, Jorge Neves; the president of Sintrapesca, José Henrique Pereira; and with the head of the Division of the Federal Superintendence of the Ministry of Agriculture in Santa Catarina, José Henrique dos Santos.
The last fishermen of Copacabana
Fishermen push their boat into the sea during the early morning hours on Copacabana beach, Rio de Janeiro. The Z-13 Fishing Colony was officially founded in 1923, but the presence of fishermen in the region is much older. In the 17th century, the current Posto Seis was known as Praia das Pescarias and a photo by Marc Ferrez from 1895 already showed canoes from the place.
Paraná participates in shrimp fisheries management plan
The public company Portos do Paraná was invited in this state stage of the Sustainable Management of Fauna Accompanying Trawl Fisheries project in Latin America and the Caribbean, supported by national and international entities.
Marina Itajaí is now part of the Santa Catarina Nautical Federation.
Marina Itajaí, already consolidated as a Stage for national and international nautical regattas and events, and routes for boats from several countries, is now part of the Federation Náutica Catarinense.
Director Carlos Oliveira received the confirmation with enthusiasm.