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By Antônio Carlos Corrêa
Operation Navy Summer

The Brazilian Navy informs that it has started Operation Summer 2019/2020, in addition to the daily inspection carried out in oceanic and inland waters. During the period between December 20, 2019 and March 16, 2020, there will be an intensification of inspection activities, with the increase of the effective workforce, aiming to increase the safety of navigation, the protection of human life at sea and the prevention of environmental pollution from vessels on the seafront, considering that, in this period of the year, activities at sea intensify.
The Captaincy will have a reinforcement of around 50% of its effective workforce, which will allow it to increase inspection actions on waterway traffic, especially on weekends and holidays. Several Naval Inspection Teams (IN) will be employed simultaneously, working by land and sea, in Marinas and fishing colonies, using boats, watercraft and vehicles, covering all areas of practice of nautical activities in the respective areas of jurisdiction.
The inspection of vessels takes place through Naval Inspections, during which teams of Naval Inspectors board the vessels, verify their documentation, the qualification of the conductors, the existence and state of conservation of the salvage material, and the vessel's behavior regarding navigation rules.
The Naval Inspection action aims to guide, instruct and supervise waterway traffic, contributing to the elevation of the safety mentality at sea. The assessment and consequent application of penalties is adopted when it is observed that the vessel has irregularities in any of the aspects mentioned above. Any irregularity in the conduct of vessels is subject to a fine, and the person responsible is administratively fined by the Maritime Authority Agent, and the authorization may be suspended, temporarily or permanently, depending on the seriousness of the infraction.
If it is observed that a vessel poses a danger to navigation because it is sailing in an unauthorized location (less than 200 meters from the edge of a beach, for example), or that it sails in breach of the requirements of Law 9,537/97 (LESTA), this will be notified and may be seized, according to the seriousness of the infraction.
Thus, motor-powered vessels, such as speedboats and watercraft, can only travel more than 200 meters from the shore. On the other hand, rowing and sailing vessels can only travel more than 100 meters from the shore. For cases of approaching vessels near the shore, there are rules that are summarized as follows: for embarkation and disembarkation of passengers or material, vessels may approach, maintaining a speed of less than approximately 5km (very slow), preserving the safety of bathers, preferably, in a place free of people and at the ends of the sand strip.
In addition, the approach and departure must be in a direction perpendicular to the shoreline. The Port Authority emphasizes that the most frequent cause of accidents involving vessels at sea is the human factor. The ingestion of alcoholic beverages by the driver of a vessel, for example, is a very serious cause of accidents.
But other factors associated with drivers' recklessness and negligence are also causing accidents. Thus, the Navy recommends that the safety of navigation is paramount, that all crew members have their life jackets and that the rules and laws are strictly respected, with responsibility and conscience. It is important to emphasize that the responsibility for the correct conduct of vessels, no matter what type or size, rests with their captain. MB clarifies that it maintains a Search and Rescue (SAR) team ready to respond to complaints and support any accidents, working together with other agencies whenever there is a request for help at sea.
The Navy provides the number 185 in case of maritime emergencies. Every citizen is encouraged to collaborate with the inspection. When observing an irregularity at sea, report it immediately including, if possible, the name of the vessel and its registration number.