Our partners
By Antônio Carlos Corrêa
Fishermen associated with the Union of Workers in the Fishing Industries of Santa Catarina (Sitrapesca) WHO ARE UP TO DATE WITH THE UNION, are entitled to discounts on medical appointments and guaranteed exams.
Fishermen associated with the Union of Workers in the Fishing Industries of Santa Catarina (Sitrapesca) WHO ARE UP TO DATE WITH THE UNION , are entitled to discounts on medical appointments and guaranteed exams. Even so, more than 80% of workers have not officially registered to receive the benefit. To ensure that everyone is met, the union's board is calling on members to get their health insurance cards as soon as possible at the union's headquarters.
From the beginning of the year until now, the direction of Sitrapesca has already entered into partnerships with different laboratories and medical clinics throughout the coast of Santa Catarina. With this, Sitrapesca managed to guarantee discounts to workers ranging from 20% to 60% on appointments and exams. “Last week a fisherman who was going to pay R$300 for a consultation with a specialist came to us, got the contract card, and got the same consultation for R$130”, said the president of Sitrapesca, Henrique Pereira. The benefit extends to seafarers and their dependents under 18 years of age.
In all, there are more than 300 doctors who work in the region from Joinville to Greater Florianópolis, in addition to two laboratories. The Santa Luzia laboratory, which serves patients from the region of Tijucas to Florianópolis, and the Ghanem laboratory, which serves patients from the region from Joinville to Itapema. It is also worth mentioning that only members who have up to date with their monthly fees will be able to withdraw the document and enjoy the benefits. “The card is free of charge, but the members will only have access to discounts after they have withdrawn the document”, explains Pereira.
Sitrapesca currently has more than 6,000 members and only about 1,000 have attended the union to withdraw their agreement cards so far. To get the document and have access to discounts on appointments and exams, the worker must go to Sitrapesca's headquarters, with a pay slip or work card. SITRAPESCA is located at Rua Hélio Douat de Menezes, 115, in the São João neighborhood, in Itajaí. Telephone: (47) 3348-4833.