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By Antônio Carlos Corrêa
The Corona hitchhiking...
How much does it cost to quarantine those who arrive in the country? And how much does our stagnant economy cost? Has anyone done these accounts?
I leave here my record that I am not against closing our borders to foreigners, as we have to defend ourselves and preserve our population as best as possible. What I would like someone to answer me, and here I answer the question above, because I'm curious to know:
- How much does it cost to quarantine everyone who arrives in the country, from planes and ships?
- Is the amount to be dispensed from quarantine much greater than the ICU beds that we are preparing and making available to care for our patients?
- And how much does it cost to stop the economy of a federative state and even of a country?
I want to remind you that many have already priced the cost of the impact generated by the pandemic in the country, and have also established the value of the “vaucher-corona” approved by our congress and authorities. Does anyone give more...?!
If I remember correctly, the press pressured the government to fetch Brazilians who were in China, as they would or were already contaminated by the Corona-virus, and for that very reason, they placed them at the Air Force base in Goiás. All those coming from China , in quarantine, with a certain “stewardship” and bankrolled, as far as I know, by all of us. Trying to preserve us from contamination.
Both in the tickets made by the planes of the FAB - Brazilian Air Force, as in the stays provided by the Air Force Base, in Anápolis-GO. An extremely small cost for potentially high reasons and risks.
After all, a contamination was what nobody wanted then.
In this way, I continue to ask:
- After passing our home isolation, will entrances through Brazilian airports and ports continue to be free?
- Why then didn't they go to those who came from China and stayed in Anapolis-GO?
I want to believe that the gateway to the Corona-virus is and always has been the country's ports and airports, as it seems that “he”, the virus, only walks and travels in “first class”.
I ask the authorities:
- As soon as the home isolation ends, won't we have a recurrence of the pandemic if the doors are kept open?
Here I take the liberty to report and make a comparison. Here in Santa Catarina, we are a state free of foot-and-mouth disease without vaccination for cattle and other animals. This achievement was due to sanitary barriers and the tireless and professional vigilance of public agents of Epagri/Cidasc, along the road accesses in our state. With this, the state was the first to win the title of being considered, and therefore obtain competitive advantages in the export of meat and meat products, free from foot-and-mouth disease that affects unvaccinated cattle.
Ironically I know, but no less responsible, I question:
- In the case of cattle, barriers can be made, but in the case of human life, no?
And I keep asking:
- How much does it cost to quarantine people traveling by planes or ships? - And how much does it cost to stop the economy of the state and the country?
Lock the borders (I know that nothing is easy to do), bar people who arrive in the country or state by quarantining them for 14 days (like those who came from China), and so we can continue working, without the risks that this virus can bring us.
I keep asking:
- Can someone let me know when this pandemic will end?
I ask this question because, if we already know this answer, we have a solution to part of the problem, but if we do not know the worst is yet to come, we will have to take other measures, different from those we are taking so far. In Europe it is not over and there is only the spread of the virus, in Russia, Japan, the Arab countries, the USA the moment is dramatic, desperate. I'm just replicating what the press brings us.
And how will we stay here, all at home?
I know that at some point someone will have to do something differently, or we will continue to inform us that we take care of our “old people”, because they are the risk group and we all need to be isolated at home.
Francisco Carlos Gervásio
Administrator - March 28, 20