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By Antônio Carlos Corrêa
Cleaning the Seas Project returns to Governador Celso Ramos Santa Catarina

The renowned project Cleaning the Seas returns to the place where it started, in 2014, on Palmas beach, in Governador Celso Ramos in Santa Catarina, this Sunday (8th). This time with the objective of reaching the historic mark of completing 100 tons of waste removed from the seabed and slopes. The Acatmar – Associação Náutica Brasileira's initiative is scheduled to leave at 9 am and increasingly values not only the collection, but also the awareness of the population. “We have given many lectures in schools, in order to instill in the little ones the need for the correct destination of waste”, says Michele Castilho, director of the entity.
However, the organization does not think it is a reason for celebration. “The ideal was that the project didn't even need to exist. But there are many residues found, which harm the marine fauna and flora”, says Michele. The task force has dozens of volunteer divers – whose vacancies are already sold out – and also people on land. “The engagement of the population makes a difference and without it we would not be so successful”, completes Michele. The Cleaning of the Seas project started in 2014 and touches all the communities in which it operates. For this edition, those interested can register through the website www.limpezadosmares.com or by calling (48) 3266-1137 and (48) 99933-0062. Professional divers interested in participating will be provided with equipment.
The Cleaning of the Seas project is carried out by ACATMAR, organized by the company Acquanauta, with support from the Municipality of Governador Celso Ramos, GCR Education Department, GCR Environmental School, SC Military Fire Department, SC Port Captaincy , ICMBio, Yacht Club Veleiros da Ilha, Plastkolor, Compahia da Praia, Paulista Balões and Mundo Mar Program.
What: Cleaning the Seas – Governor Celso Ramos Stage
When: September 8th at 9 am
Location: Praia de Palmas, Governador Celso Ramos, end of Rua dos Robalos, in front of the lifeguard station