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More vessels are cleared for mullet fishing in the South and Southeast


The Secretariat of Aquaculture and Fisheries (SAP) published on Tuesday (9) Ordinance 3.019, in the Official Gazette of the Union (DOU), with the nominal list of two more fishing vessels authorized to return to fishing for mullet, in the form of siege/trawler, in the South and Southeast regions, during the 2019 season.

The ordinance also includes the suspension of the complementary fishing authorization of the Clara C and Verde Vale IV vessels, due to material error and non-compliance with the requirements for the capture of the mullet.

Vessels with pending issues have a period of three days to file an appeal, as provided for by law.


Ordinance 3,004 was also published , suspending, for 60 calendar days, the authorization for the vessel Shyrley Pesca to operate in the form of permissioning of Bottom Coastal Mesh (yellow hake) and Surface Net (pelagic fish) on the coast of the North and North East. The measure is valid from the publication of the ordinance.


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