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The opening of the 2019 mullet harvest to trawlers authorized!


According to the Secretary of Fisheries Jorge Seif, after meeting today with the SAP team in Porto Alegre, with director Claudio Oliveira, Coordinator Elielma Borcem is our AGU,

The judge released mullet fishing for industrial boats.

In view of the foregoing, in the reconsideration court, I authorize the opening of the 2019 mullet harvest to trawlers that present regularity in the CTF and that have not presented unjustified interruption of PREPS System records in the 2018 harvest period.

I determine that the UNION, by its competent body, immediately, provide communication, by all available means, including by radio of the vessels, certifying the occurrence to those responsible for the Vessels framed in the exceptions of this decision (irregular CTF and irregularities in the PREPS System in the harvest period /2018) regarding the suspension of fishing authorizations, also making available, in a clear and public way, the list of vessels affected by this decision, under penalty of a daily fine of R$ 500,000.00. Listed vessels that illegally practice fishing will be subject to a daily fine of R$ 100,000.00.

Intimate yourselves.
Communicate to the Court of origin. Forward the case to the MPF.
Afterwards, return conclusions for judgment.

Electronic document signed by VÂNIA HACK DE ALMEIDA, Federal Judge Rapporteur, pursuant to article 1, item III, of Law 11.419, of December 19, 2006 and Resolution TRF 4th Region No. 17, of March 26, 2010.

The verification of the document's authenticity is available at the electronic address , by filling in the verification code 40001196835v12 and the CRC code 9a2ad1e7.


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