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Public hearing at Alesc debates creation of fisheries policy


The Legislative Assembly's Fisheries and Aquaculture Commission held, on Thursday (08/01/19), a public hearing on the theme “Guidelines for Santa Catarina fisherman, evaluating the current fishing scenario and discussing hypotheses for improving the activity fishing".

The purpose of the event was to debate the draft of the bill that institutes the state fisheries policy. The project must include the set of regulations relating to fishing and create instruments to strengthen the activity.

During the hearing, Paulinha collected suggestions from the various agents involved in the productive activity, both artisanal and industrial fishing, to improve the project and send a more lucid proposal to the appreciation of the other deputies.

“The idea is that the law brings some clarity to the regulation of fishing”, explained Deputy Paulinha (PDT). She hopes that Santa Catarina will build legislation that will somehow subsidize the national fisheries policy and create protection for the fisherman and the fisherwoman. One of the situations to be resolved in the legislation, he exemplified, is the situation of the fishing woman, who works in fish processing.

“Fishing women don't always go to sea, some do, but others stay ashore taking care of the processing of the product, making the fish fillet or deflating the shellfish and oysters. And these women are finding it very difficult to receive defense insurance, for example, as they are being discouraged at the INSS [National Institute of Social Security] counter from applying for their right”, Paulinha reported.

In addition to regulating the activity of women fishing, the bill should propose the creation of a model of the State Fisheries Council, composed of people who are in fact representatives of the activity. “The fishing industry needs to be treated by people who know the area”, argued Paulinha. The deputy added that fishing in Santa Catarina goes beyond extractive activities, as private investments in cultivation fishing have increased. All these segments need to be supported by legislation and represented in the respective council.


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