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Trawl fishing is released on the coast of Santa Catarina


The authorization was given by the State Government, in an ordinance published on Thursday, 9 and brings a series of requirements to fishermen to avoid contamination with the new coronavirus.

With the release of trawling, the permanence of fishermen on the beach is also authorized. "The Ordinance comes to discipline and give instructions to trawlers. This is the oldest and most traditional type of fishing on the coast of Santa Catarina, which involves around 5,000 people in the activity. In addition, trawling has a social nature very important, since the fishermen end up distributing part of the fish to the community", highlights the Secretary of State for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development, Ricardo de Gouvêa.

Among the requirements are the maximum number of people in fishing, which cannot exceed 20, during activities the mask is mandatory, and at the end of the fishing, people must immediately withdraw from the beach, avoiding any type of concentration beyond the strictly necessary to fishing.

beach drag

Beach trawling is a type of fishing carried out by traditional communities, which use motorized or rowing boats to take a net to the sea, leaving a point on the beach, closing a wall at sea. The net is pulled on the beach by fishermen and fishing assistants at its two ends or ends.

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