Our partners
By Antônio Carlos Corrêa
Two inspection actions resulted in the seizure of 127 tons of fish and R$ 3,208,200.00 (three million, two hundred and eight thousand, two hundred reais) in fines on July 13 in the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Rio de January. The work is part of Operation Mullet.
The alleged environmental offenses were identified by the operation's Control Room, which used information collected in the field by agents and data from the National Program for Tracking Fishing Vessels by Satellite (Preps).
After identifying the landing ports, field teams, by land and by sea, were sent to board.
Fishing in unauthorized areas during the mullet harvest, without a license and switching off the Preps tracking device were some of the irregularities found.
In Rio Grande (RS) five infraction notices were issued, totaling R$2,963,800.00 (two million, nine hundred and sixty-three thousand, eight hundred reais) in fines, and 115 tons of fish were seized.
The action had the support of the Federal Police and PATRAM/Military Brigade. In Niterói (RJ), the action took place in Guanabara Bay in conjunction with the Federal Police and the Brazilian Navy.
Those responsible for the illegal activity received an infraction notice in the amount of R$ 244,400.00 (two hundred and forty-four thousand, four hundred reais) and 12 tons of mullet and a vessel were seized.
The operation continues in partnership with the Port Authority, Federal Police, ICMBio and Environmental Military Police.
The seized fish were sent to the Mesa Brasil Program, of the Social Service for Commerce (SESC), which distributes food to registered institutions and benefits thousands of people. In Rio Grande de Sul and Rio de Janeiro, 51.54 and 12 tons of fish were donated, respectively.