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By Antônio Carlos Corrêa
Industrial vessel seized with 200 kg of fish in Arraial do Cabo

The Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) and the Environmental Policing Unit (Upam) Costa do Sol/PMERJ are intensifying inspections against the action of irregular vessels within the limits of the Arraial do Cabo Marine Extractive Reserve (Resex), in Rio Lakes Region. Last Tuesday (01/01), an industrial vessel was seized with 200 kg of fish. The master of the vessel was taken to the police station for fishing in a prohibited place within the limits of the conservation unit. In addition, he was fined R$ 64,000, according to agents.
The seized fish was donated to Fome Zero, which was passed on to local institutions, such as Apae Búzios and Iguaba. In addition to the fishing vessel, three tourist vessels were notified of working in violation of the authorization. These vessels were commercially exploring the nautical tour within the Extractive Reserve. However, boats from other locations, other than Arraial do Cabo, do not have this right. Tourists can even enter the Conservation Unit, but for that you must pay a visitation fee. For now, Resex explained that the fee collection is still in the regularization phase. According to the inspection agent, Carlos Augusto Ribeiro Barbosa, ICMBio is increasing the rigor with the inspection of entrances of vessels that are exploring the Resex without having authorization.

Santa Catarina research
Studies for the cultivation of macroalgae in Santa Catarina began in 2008 in a partnership between the Agricultural Research and Rural Extension Company of Santa Catarina (Epagri) and the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Ufsc). Epagri/Cedap maintains two experimental crops of Kappaphycus alvarezii in Penha and Governador Celso Ramos and negotiations for production authorization were resumed last year.
Mariculture in Santa Catarina
Santa Catarina is the largest producer of molluscs in Brazil. There are 565 mariculturers distributed in 11 municipalities and generating around 2,000 direct jobs. In 2017, production was around 13.7 thousand tons of mussels, oysters and scallops.
The state is the only one in the country that carries out permanent monitoring of cultivated areas. The State Program for Hygienic Sanitary Control of Molluscs is one of the management and sanitary control procedures in the production chain, providing assurance and safety for producers and consumers.