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Leading environmental NGOs unite to claim 100% coverage of observers on vessels dedicated to tuna fishing


Thirteen environmental non-governmental organizations (NGOs) focused on global tuna conservation have announced that they are united to appeal to Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (OROPs) that regulate tuna fisheries in the Indian, Pacific, Atlantic and Antarctic Oceans to demand coverage of observers on all industrial fishing vessels dedicated to tuna fishing.

NGOs include: Birdlife International, Conservation International, The Earthworm Foundation, Ecology Action Centre, Environmental Defense Fund, Fishwise, Greenpeace, International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF), Monterey Bay Aquarium, The Nature Conservancy, PEW Charitable Trusts, Sustainable Fisheries Partnership and World Wildlife Fund. NGOs provided the following statement:

'' It is unacceptable that tuna vessels are not monitored.

At numerous dedicated tuna fishing facilities around the world, the lack of independent monitoring of fishing activity means that there is much we cannot see, including several known conservation and compliance issues such as illegal, misreported or undeclared fishing, and bycatch of endangered, endangered and protected species. What we cannot see creates risks for fish stocks, fishing facilities and companies that buy tuna. Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (OROPs) have the power to reduce these risks by requiring 100% observer coverage, whether human and/or electronic, on industrial vessels dedicated to tuna fishing .''

NGOs will seek broad support from commercial interests, fisheries organizations, conservation organizations and foundations towards the requirement of 100% observer coverage in all OROPs and fisheries agencies for the management of global tuna stocks.

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